Being a student who didn’t possess a car, I happened to use the train an awful lot over my time at university. Because of this regular travel on our nation’s trains I have seen it all. From Fiona Bruce on the platform (the most attractive news broadcaster since Michael Fish), to a man trying to brake into a vending machine, to a dog shit on a chair. These examples though are all of the positive experiences I have had on mass transit (though the dog’s turd was rank).
First, and most obvious, the price: £120 for a return to London at peak time? What the fuck?! For that you could price you can fly to Zurich (I have checked, I don’t just know this). I went to university in Lincoln and a one way ticket there can cost you up to £40. It is a 3 hour journey, why such a high price? Is it the high level of service you receive, with rude staff in the ticket office, the even grumpier staff on the platform or the bewilderingly dry ticket taker guy on the train? Or is it the high standards in the train itself, when you are not always guaranteed a seat, a complete lack of luggage racks or that the train itself is always either far too hot or far too cold? Quite simply where does all the money you pay go?
I remember a day some years ago, I can’t have been any older than 10, when my mother, father, brother and I met some close family friends (who actually first introduced my parents to each other) in Wales . I remember having a lovely picnic, then going on an old fashioned steam train. We were sat in one of the small compartments of the carriage, watching the world go by, and it is actually one of my fondest memories. If steam trains were still widely in operation I don’t think I’d mind the long journeys at a high price, as there is a lot of charm in this form of travel. This charm has completely disappeared though due to the technological advances (of sorts) in train travel. All of the excitement has been replaced by mind numbing boredom, bad smells and noise.
Noise. What a wanker. The train is too loud to hear the music you are trying to occupy yourself with, to stop the tedious journey from taking its toll, and yet if you turn the volume up the stranger sat next to you asks you politely to turn it down. Turn it down? I still can’t hear it, how can you?
The quiet carriage: I fully understand that some travellers (by which I do not mean gypsies) wouldn’t want to listen to the constant stories and squeals from the group of girls at the end of your carriage (though I find listening to their trauma quite therapeutic), and others may have work to do, but lets face it your not going to get too much done whilst bouncing around the uneven tracks of Norfolk (take that Norfolk). And this carriages is everything but quiet at its quietest. The driver on the tannoy (public address system) shouting out the names of all the village stations you’ve never heard of while no one gets on or off, then the streams of people flooding through to get to the watering hole (food carriage thingy (I was just enjoying the water theme)).
What never I understand is why they organise trains by such precise times. The to Matlock. Everyone knows that it will arrive late then leave late due to a signal failure, so why get my hopes up that I will actually be able to catch my next train when you already know that there is no chance. Surely it would be better to just say the 13:41ish to Matlock. Do you know the main cause of a train arriving late? It’s because it is shit, slow and made from an old Austin Maxi. Why is it that your train, the train you will be spending a good 4 hours on is always old and slow? Then you are passed constantly by other trains travelling at 400mph that are able to run smoothly without nearly falling over at every turn.
Now that I have discussed (or just told you) some of my views on trains, I will take a little break from my rage and just talk about my average journey. Let’s just say I’m making a trip up to Birmingham to see my brother. I won’t talk to you about changing trains etc as this is rather trivial unless you are planning a trip to Birmingham . I arrive at Ipswich station, knowing that I have a good 4 hours of ‘me’ time ahead. Now if it were just me on the train it would be fine, but most people annoy the hell out of me, so this isn’t a great start. Anyway I’m sat on my first train. I’ve decided not to use my ipod straight away as it will be an invaluable tool later on, so I try to just sit and be peaceful. This doesn’t work however as I am not a peaceful person so I try to listen to the conversations of those around me. Thankfully my first train doesn’t take too long as I am already bored rigid. So I arrive at my first change and I panic. There is an Upper Crust. I love a good baguette, but these are fairly simple but still expensive. I buy the cheapest one available, a bag of crisps and a chocolate bar and intend to use these tools to quell my boredom. This works for twenty or minutes but then I’m right back to the same problem. Uncontrollably I dive into my ipod and start to swim through songs (water theme again, I couldn’t resist). I’m then told to turn the volume down, as already covered, so I’m back to the same problem. After far too long being utterly brain dead sat on my aluminium mobile prison I arrive into Birmingham . At which point I then realise that Birmingham is no better than where I have come from.
Now I feel I should say that some years ago with some close friends, I enjoyed the only real benefit of a train (apart from unlimited travel). A small group of us were on a long journey to Somerset , which passed through London . We joined the underground at
Liverpool Street, changed at Bank, headed forWaterloo . For a 15 minute period having left Bank we were completely alone in our carriage, and thought it to be our duty to climb from one end of the carriage to the other without touching the floor. It was a lot of fun and eclipsed the 2 hour wait we had Waterloo before our final train.
Liverpool Street, changed at Bank, headed for
I am very, very sorry for rambling on for so long about trains, but, put simply, they are shit (unless due to low demand you find yourself alone).
Sweet dreams.